Project Partnership

…– Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) – Germany – Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi (METU) – Turkey – Universitat de Barcelona (UB) – Spain – National Observatory of Athens…

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…Romano, F., Scala, A., Selva, J., Taroni, M., Thio, H.K., Tiberti, M.M., Tonini, R., Volpe, M., Glimsdal, S., Harbitz, C.B., Løvholt, F., Baptista, M.A., Carrilho, F., Matias, L.M., Omira, R.,…

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Web Services

…equal to 1E-00, 5E-01, 2E-01, 1E-01, 5E-02, 2E-02, 1E-02, 5E-03, 2E-03, 1E-03, 5E-04, 2E-04, 1E-04, 5E-05, 2E-05, corresponding to average return periods (ARP) equal to 0, 72, 224, 475, 975,…

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regional tsunami

…local or regional tsunamis can be reduced if a denser network of warning centres, seismic and water-level reporting stations, and better communications are established to provide a timely warning, and if better programmes of tsunami

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…services worldwide. The GTS is widely used for the near real-time transmission of sea level data for tsunami monitoring. The GTS and other robust communications methods are used for the transmission of tsunami warnings….

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Methodology/ Organizational Structure

…ASTARTE PMB and PTHA scientists; contributors to GAR15, national PTHA projects, seismic hazard projects (e.g. SHARE, GEM, national hazard maps); designation of an international peer-review panel, including members of the OB. We will…

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