The TSUMAPS-NEAM Observers’ Board, OB (composed by Institutions/Organizations/Experts acting as end users or advisors, all letters of support enclosed), will be established for getting continuous feedback on both the scientific and publicity activities, and on the requirements of relevant stakeholders. Note that some partners play also an end user role (because they are CTSPs or are involved as Neighbourhood countries in the capacity building process). Many end users and advisors are also involved in the UNESCO Tsunami Program, through: IOC/UNESCO itself, responsible for the coordination of CARIBE-EWS, IOTWS, NEAMTWS, and PTWS; the CARIBE-EWS Chairperson (NOAA); a vast representative of the ICG/NEAMTWS, through the Chair (METU), one Vice-Chair (through DPC, the Italian CPA), the IOC/UNESCO Secretariat, and several SC Members (INGV, NOA, IPMA, DPC); four of the five NEAM CTSPs (Greece, NOA; Italy, INGV; Portugal, IPMA; Turkey, KOERI). Note that one CTSP is from an EU Enlargement Country, Turkey. Acting as end users/advisors or as partners there are also: three EU Neighbourhood Policy countries, namely, Egypt (NIOF), Morocco (CNRST), and Tunisia (INM). The OB is completed by representatives of USA (USGS, NOAA) and Russia (SRB-RAS), by the EU Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (JRC-IPSC), and by EPOS, which is a priority project in ESFRI roadmap for implementation. Furthermore, relevant CPAs have been informed (Italy, enclosed form A8, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Germany, and Greece). The results are also of interest for 2015- 2030 UN-ISDR SFA implementation. Accordingly, several contributors to GAR15 PTHA are involved in the Consortium (NGI, IPMA, INGV) or are advisors (USGS).