The TSUMAPS-NEAM PTHA for earthquake-induced tsunamis, which are the vast majority, will apply good practices emerging from previous efforts and high-quality standards. This will be secured through the presence in TSUMAPS-NEAM of: ASTARTE PMB and PTHA scientists; contributors to GAR15, national PTHA projects, seismic hazard projects (e.g. SHARE, GEM, national hazard maps); designation of an international peer-review panel, including members of the OB. We will use:

  1. a statistical treatment of potential sources, combining all the available information (seismicity, moment tensors, tectonics), and considering both earthquakes occurring on major crustal and subduction faults and the diffuse background seismicity;
  2. a computational approach to tsunami generation and linear propagation up to an offshore fixed depth;
  3. well-established regional approximations for shoaling and inundation and for tidal stages;
  4. ensemble uncertainty quantification.

The presence in the Consortium or as end users of four EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Countries, Russia, IOC/UNESCO, four of the five NEAMTWS CTSPs, and JRC will tremendously facilitate awareness-raising and capacity-building initiatives. Most of these actors will be stimulated to play an active role in both PTHA results analysis and outreach activities in order to build common good practices for understanding risk. Experience of CARIBE-EWS in the Tsunami Ready program will be an asset in this respect. Interaction with all the other relevant actors and stakeholders will be achieved through web-based dissemination and training tools and dedicated meetings. Along with method documentation and guidelines, these will facilitate the reinforcement of common risk mitigation strategies.

Task ID Task Title Start Date End Date Actions Deliverables Task leader institutions Task leader individuals
A Management and Reporting to the Commission 01/2016 09/2017 A.1 Coordination

A.2 Management and Reporting

D1. First Progress Report (M7)

D2. Second Progress Report (M14)

D3. Final Report (M21)

INGV Roberto Basili (Project coordinator)

Stefano Lorito

B Hazard Assessment 02/2016 09/2017 B.1 Earthquake Model

B.2 Tsunami Modelling

B.3 Probabilistic Model

B.4 Hazard Analysis

D4. Online Tsunami Hazard Database (M14)

D5. Tsunami Hazard and Probability Maps (M14)



Jacopo Selva

Rachid Omira

C Review and Sanity Check 02/2016 09/2017 C.1 Best Practices

C.2 Expert’s Review and Sanity Check

C.3 Documentation

D6. Experts’ Review and Sanity Check (M18)

D7. Methods and data Documentation (M18)



Andrey Babeyko

Gerassimos Papadopoulos

D Publicity 02/2016 09/2017 D.1 Awareness and Education

D.2 Capacity Building

D8. Project Website (M4)

D9. Awareness and Education Materials (M16)

D10. Guidelines and Training Tools (M19)

D11. Layman’s Report (M21)

METU Onur Pekcan

Steering Committee: This committee ensures inter-task cooperation and communication with the EC Project ASTARTE and will serve the project until the Final Technical Report.

The Steering Committee comprises the TSUMAPS-NEAM Project coordinator, all Task leaders, and the ASTARTE Project Management Board: Maria Ana Baptista, Ahmet C. Yalciner, and Miquel Canals.