Date and location 

29 June – 01 July 2016; Room Europe Direct, Cultural Center of the Athens Municipality, Akadimias Ave. 50, Athens, Greece.

Hotel recommendations can be downloaded here.


  • Gerassimos Papadopoulos (NOA)
  • Stefano Lorito (INGV)
  • Beatriz Brizuela (INGV)


Project coordinator, Project partners, Scientists in Tasks, Internal and External reviewers, EC Officer.

Goals of the meeting

This is a “technical review meeting” aimed to addressing the practical plan for the hazard assessment. We thus need to review all the work performed so far; discuss any open question on data and methodology; and reach consensus on how to proceed toward the realization of the first version of our model. After the meeting, all scientists involved in the hazard assessment should be able to proceed with the realization of the hazard model and the associated products (database and maps).

The meeting is also an opportunity to interact with the panel of invited experts. Part of these experts will take part in the elicitation process, while the others will take part in the internal review. Additional experts will join the review process at a later stage. The mutual understanding between the project partners and external experts is a crucial goal.

To summarize, we will have to do the following:

  • Verify the status of advancement of project Tasks.
  • Discuss and agree on the PTHA approach, methods, data, and models:
    • probabilistic model (all event-tree levels and branches as well as probability integration method),
    • tsunami generation model, and
    • tsunami propagation model, including coastal amplification and dissipation treatment.
  • Illustrate our model to the invited experts (for both the elicitation process and the internal review).
  • Devise a common plan and roadmap for the production of the hazard model, identify possible drawbacks of the work carried out so far and define countermeasures against them as well as against risks that may emerge at a later stage.
  • Define platform and formats of the hazard products for the dissemination activities.
  • Review the status of project management for the first financial and technical reporting.


Day 1,29 June, Afternoon session

  • Presentations and discussion on Tasks B and C

Day 2,30 June, Morning session

  • Initialisation of the Elicitation of Experts

Day 2,30 June, Afternoon session

  • Presentations and discussion on Tasks B and C

Day 3,01 July, Morning session

  • Presentations and discussion on Task D
  • General assembly.
  • Recommendations from the SC.

Meeting Agenda